Tibby the Joyful recently hit 50 downloads! So cool! Thank you everyone!

Unfortunately a pretty major bug made its way into the initial release and that has now (hopefully) been fixed. You're not supposed to be able to fight Peppino near the end of the game if you did not recruit him initially. 

So if you downloaded the game previously please download it again, extract the game again... You can import your saves from a previous version. And if it is your first time playing... You have nothing to worry about.

Just a very small and easy fix that was essential to fix up. Next time hopefully I will be able to do a proper big update to the base game so it's 100% done instead of 95% done. I am still in recovery though so it might still be a while.

P.S. No I am NOT going to make it so you can skip Boyfriend's fight. You have to just git gud. Every great video game has an  unavoidable shitty time sink minigame section you have to do - that's what it means to be a video game star!



Tibby The Joyful and The Puppet Princess.exe 762 MB
17 days ago

Get Tibby the Joyful & The Puppet Princess (LISA the Joyful repainted)

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